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Totally Alive offers deep healing and transformational workshops across Australia and internationally (see schedule for upcoming workshops here).

Casey has been facilitating deep transformational workshops in her hometown of Perth, across Australia, and internationally (UK, France, Bali, Peru) for over 25 years. These workshops are a safe, sacred and respectful space to provide you with an opportunity to learn about and experience the core aspects of your true self.

Totally Alive workshops allow for deep introspection, emotional release and reconnection to your original true Self, giving you clarification and insight into how your life is playing out. During the workshops, as you experience your inner true Self, you will begin to see how your energy and emotions become blocked, how your attitudes and beliefs are formed, the fears that drive you and how this impacts on your life on an unconscious level.

Casey trained in Europe in the IoPT trauma constellation work. It is, a method developed by Prof Franz Rupert, and it is used to open the women’s weekend residential workshops and allows a framework of access to the unconscious to begin the weekend.

Some techniques that are incorporated in the Residential Women’s Workshops include:

  • inner child work

  • humour

  • role-play

  • art therapy

  • storytelling

  • ceremony

  • IoPT trauma constellation

  • breathwork

  • meditation

  • movement dialogue

  • gestalt and reflective energy work

  • resourcing positive experiences to reprogram

At all times you will be professionally and intuitively guided to experience the movement and release of deep emotional discharge creating space for your authentic light to exist and integrate in your body. This will help you to let go of any long held, underlying causes of stress, relationship difficulties, depression, addictions, anxiety and loss of personal inspiration and power.

The clearing of illusions will often come in the form of recognising and owning our shadow selves, emotional release, ownership of defences and our subconscious resistance to loving our Self and others.

These energies are held in layers in the body so it is recommended to do a series of workshops to open your heart and free your ability to re-create and love your life.

In a dynamic, supportive, fun atmosphere you can enhance your creativity, and action your true potential and learn how to manage your personal energy system for a more effective direction, clearer decision-making and personal purpose.

Casey facilitates every workshop herself with the assistance of one to two personally trained and qualified support person(s). Workshops run with between 6 and 12 participants, so they are intimate and very powerful. All venues are comfortable, private, self-catering and budget-conscious.

These workshops are powerfully rewarding and reflect a deep commitment to self which in turn reflects a deep commitment to life. They allow for transformation of our limiting beliefs that affect our reality as well as an emotional freedom that will feel like a deeper experience of life.

Come join us… it’s a wonderful journey and an opportunity to meet others on the path.

For further information or to book into a workshop please contact us.

For workshop dates see our Events Calendar